Monday, March 21, 2005

Activity 10-1

Discuss one of the issues taken up in this module from the point of view of the preliminary and finalist theories discussed in Modules 3 and 4. Note that you must discuss the issue you choose from six perspectives (three preliminary theories and three finalist theories). To put it another way, you must come up with six perspectives on the issue.


Ethical Relativism
We all know that pornography threatens families especially children. It is considered as a violation of decency, morality and could corrupt the viewer’s mind and soul. On the other hand, some invoke their freedom of speech and expression especially in the form of arts and human anatomy. This explains why pornography in the net is tolerated in some country while banned in other countries.

Also, these differences does not limit to countries to countries only but due to diverse cultural heritage, varied religious affiliations, different prevailing social norms and even distinct individual preferences as well.

Ethical Absolutism
Divine law is the law above all laws. “The laws of nature and all other laws, would fall under divine law as it encompasses and governs not only human actions but also the entire universe” (Computer Ethics – Albacea, Payongayong and Pinpin).

For Christians, the Holy Bible, consisting of the old and new testaments, contains the divine law. It is written in the Holy Bible that “lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life are sins to God”. Pornography is addictive (1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Peter 2:19), destructive (Proverbs 6:25-28; Ezekiel 20:30; Ephesians 4:19), and leads to ever-increasing wickedness (Romans 6:19).
Since Divine law is absolute, ethical absolutists consider pornography as morally bad.

Ethical Egoism and Ethical Altruism
In Pornography, there are two parties involved. The audience or the viewer or the reader and the publisher, that includes all the person involves in producing such material.

Egoism portrays individual as terribly self-centered. An entity that promotes it, considers pornography as an object of desire of flesh or information, to the viewer and an object of desire of money or popularity, to the publisher. On the other hand, to some that condemns it, considers pornography as an object of aversion.

There could also be an altruistic act in publishing a pornographic material. Artists, models or producers wants the audience to be informed, educated or satisfied with their urges.

Some people that patronize pornography consider it as morally right because such action brings pleasure and happiness. While others that condemn pornography consider it as morally wrong as it may result to corruption of mind and soul, thus this brings unhappiness, pain and problem to their families.

Categorical Imperatives
Many individuals, groups, communities, sects, and countries condemn pornography. With the existence of a contradiction, pornography cannot have moral worth.

To all that patronizes and promotes pornography may think that such action is meant to be good merely as means to something else. Since such action is not good in itself, thus it cannot be applicable to categorical imperatives but to hypothetical imperatives.

Nicomachean Ethics
Pornography is a human action, then it follows that the norms and standards of morality apply to it. Moral ideals such as goodness, righteousness, fairness, and justice apply in the evaluation of pornography as a human action. In this theory, pornography is considered as immoral:

  • It corrupts the mind and the soul of an audience.
  • It seeks to exploit women, men and now young children.
  • It is against the Will of GOD.

Indecency, exploitation and addiction are not the means towards attaining the “good life”.



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