SAQ 7-1
Choose one example of computer abuse which you think is morally wrong. Explain why you consider it morally wrong. using any of the ethical principles you learned in the earlier modules.
Definition : Still or moving images, usually of women, in varying states of nudity, posing or performing erotic acts with men, women, animals, machines, or other props. Some say it degrades women, some say it corrupts young boys (who down-load it from the World-Wide Web or exchange it on floppy disks). Most of it is in the form of JPEG images. There are many sites on the World-Wide Web offering porn of all sorts, almost always for a subscription. It is said that these are a driving force in the evolution of new technology and techniques for the web. Advertisements for them certainly constitute a significant proportion of all spam. There are even pornographic computer games, an early example being Mac Playmate.
The word, pornography, is drawn from the Greek words porne (female captive, slave or prostitute) and graphos (writing or drawing). Thus the etymology of the word links graphic portrayal of women with bondage and inequality with men. Such material should not be called pornography if it does not serve its purpose.
I consider pornography as morally bad at all times. Under no circumstance that this act becomes morally good:
1. It corrupts the mind and the soul of an audience.
Pornography usually gives the audience the wrong idea about sexuality. It lies about the needs of females and their sexuality. It lies about male sexuality and male talents for sex. It makes every woman a nymphomaniac. It tells a man that rape is a favor to a woman. It is full of these kinds of lies.
2. It seeks to exploit women, men and now young children.
They are displayed like meat at a counter. There are even hints at what the buyer can expect if he were to get lucky. It takes advantage of others to fill a demand that is made by those who want this type of material. Others must be exploited to fill the needs of a very limited group. We must understand, however, that even though one does not "buy these books" it does not mean that we are not allowing exploiting of others when we allow people to buy this material. Pornography is vicious and it must be dealt with viciously.
3. It is against the Will of GOD.
The Bible, in Matthew Chapter 5, tells us much about the sin of "lust in the heart". To look upon a woman with lust is sin. For us to promote or allow the promotion of lust is to neglect our duty as Christians. We must abstain from every form of evil (I Thess. 5:22). We are encouraged to seek that which is honorable, just, pure (Phillippians 4). The things that pornography promotes, uncleanness, fornication, lasciviousness, are all works of the flesh (Gal. 5:18-21). We as Christians can have nothing to do with pornography.
The danger of pornography is in its addictive quality and its power to corrode real flesh-and-blood relationships with objectified, idealized fantasies. Most pornography is designed as a masturbation tool for men, in which the pleasure of sexual stimulation becomes associated with isolation and degrading depictions of women.
Addiction to pornography can be overcome but it is not easy and requires honesty before God and accountability with other Christians.
Definition : Still or moving images, usually of women, in varying states of nudity, posing or performing erotic acts with men, women, animals, machines, or other props. Some say it degrades women, some say it corrupts young boys (who down-load it from the World-Wide Web or exchange it on floppy disks). Most of it is in the form of JPEG images. There are many sites on the World-Wide Web offering porn of all sorts, almost always for a subscription. It is said that these are a driving force in the evolution of new technology and techniques for the web. Advertisements for them certainly constitute a significant proportion of all spam. There are even pornographic computer games, an early example being Mac Playmate.
The word, pornography, is drawn from the Greek words porne (female captive, slave or prostitute) and graphos (writing or drawing). Thus the etymology of the word links graphic portrayal of women with bondage and inequality with men. Such material should not be called pornography if it does not serve its purpose.
I consider pornography as morally bad at all times. Under no circumstance that this act becomes morally good:
1. It corrupts the mind and the soul of an audience.
Pornography usually gives the audience the wrong idea about sexuality. It lies about the needs of females and their sexuality. It lies about male sexuality and male talents for sex. It makes every woman a nymphomaniac. It tells a man that rape is a favor to a woman. It is full of these kinds of lies.
2. It seeks to exploit women, men and now young children.
They are displayed like meat at a counter. There are even hints at what the buyer can expect if he were to get lucky. It takes advantage of others to fill a demand that is made by those who want this type of material. Others must be exploited to fill the needs of a very limited group. We must understand, however, that even though one does not "buy these books" it does not mean that we are not allowing exploiting of others when we allow people to buy this material. Pornography is vicious and it must be dealt with viciously.
3. It is against the Will of GOD.
The Bible, in Matthew Chapter 5, tells us much about the sin of "lust in the heart". To look upon a woman with lust is sin. For us to promote or allow the promotion of lust is to neglect our duty as Christians. We must abstain from every form of evil (I Thess. 5:22). We are encouraged to seek that which is honorable, just, pure (Phillippians 4). The things that pornography promotes, uncleanness, fornication, lasciviousness, are all works of the flesh (Gal. 5:18-21). We as Christians can have nothing to do with pornography.
The danger of pornography is in its addictive quality and its power to corrode real flesh-and-blood relationships with objectified, idealized fantasies. Most pornography is designed as a masturbation tool for men, in which the pleasure of sexual stimulation becomes associated with isolation and degrading depictions of women.
Addiction to pornography can be overcome but it is not easy and requires honesty before God and accountability with other Christians.
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